المكتبة الزراعية الشاملة

المكتبة الزراعية الشاملة مكتبة تزخر بجميع الكتب التي تهتم بالزراعة و البيئة و البيولوجيا و هي فريدة من نوعها كونها الاولى في النت في هذا المجال .

رسالة جامعية : آلية زراعة محصول العدس

رسالة جامعية : آلية زراعة محصول العدس

المؤلف : أحمد علي أحمد سلطان
تاريخ النشر2009

عدد الصفحات 192

المشرف إسماعيل أحمد عبدالمطلب/سعيد السيد أبو زهرة/سامي السعيد بدر

Lentil crop is the most important legume crop, as lentil grains contain 27% of protein weight and 60% of carbohydrate weight and can be relied upon to bridge animal protein deficiencies as well as the ability to use residues in animal feed (ARC 2002). Lentil cultivation is spread in many regions From the private world in Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the United States of America, lentil plants have been drought tolerant. They have spread since ancient times, and the rate of infectious consumption has increased in recent years to the extent that led to the expansion of cultivation, especially after the success of cultivation in all regions of Egypt. Egypt ranks first in terms of acre productivity on an international level with an average of 480 to 1280 kg /
Acres (Agricultural Research Center 2002). 

And yet it is still used in the cultivation of lentils, traditional manual cultivation methods, which leads to a decline in lentil cultivation in Egypt. Where the area of ??lentils decreased in Egypt from 15524 acres in 1994 to 2532 acres in 2005 (Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation 2005). Due to the decrease in the cultivated area, which is believed to have resulted from the decrease in productivity for the use of traditional methods of cultivating lentils (manual scattering), it was necessary to make more effort to find new techniques for cultivating this important crop of appropriate mechanization methods which may help in solving the problem in terms of expansion The horizontal on the one hand and the increase in productivity as a vertical expansion on the other hand, given that the lentils are grown at the same time with some strategic crops. That is, mechanization
The cultivation process leads to a regularity in the distribution of seeds and the provision of their quantity, which leads to a reduction in the cost of cultivation and increase productivity. This is done by determining the appropriate operating factors for each machine, so the main purpose of this study was to study and evaluate the performance of the underlining machine and the automatic scattering of lentil seeds. Where experiments were conducted at the Agricultural Research Station farm in Al-Jumayzah, Al-Santah Center, Gharbia Governorate, during the two seasons of 2006 - 2007 and 2007 - 2008 in order to achieve the following goals: 1 - Evaluating the performance of the two different cultivars (the lattice - the centrifugal scattering machine) in the cultivation of lentil crop. Underline different cultivation surfaces (flat and unplanned lines and ground) in cultivation 3- Evaluate the performance of the cultivation under the influence of three speeds for both conditions and two disk speeds for the prose machine and three rates

Feeding of the lining The different systems of cultivation have been studied under the influence of three speeds for both machines and two disk speeds for the prose machine and three feed rates for the liner. The various systems for lentil crop cultivation have been studied as follows: SULKY type cultivation was performed with a NASR type tractor with forward speeds 2.3 and 4.0 And 6.0 km / hour and seed rates of 35, 45 and 60 kg / acre, on lines and on unplanned land. The homemade centrifugal spreader with HELWAN type tractor was tested in lab speeds of 220, 300, 380 and 460 rpm to select the appropriate disk speed to be selected in the field.



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