المكتبة الزراعية الشاملة

المكتبة الزراعية الشاملة مكتبة تزخر بجميع الكتب التي تهتم بالزراعة و البيئة و البيولوجيا و هي فريدة من نوعها كونها الاولى في النت في هذا المجال .

رسالة جامعية : انتاج سلالات متشابهة وراثيا ذات جينات مختلفة للمقاومة لمرض اللفحة من خلال مزارع المتوك في الأرز

رسالة جامعية : انتاج سلالات متشابهة وراثيا ذات جينات مختلفة للمقاومة لمرض اللفحة من خلال مزارع المتوك في الأرز

المؤلف : سماح منير عبدالجواد عبدالخالق
تاريخ النشر2001

عدد الصفحات 120

درجة الرسالة ماجستير

This research was conducted at the Department of Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture - Tanta University and the Research and Training Center in Cedars - Sakha - Kafr El-Sheikh, during the three seasons 1997-2000. The research aims to: 1 - Elect and evaluate the best environment that can be used to encourage kidneys and exposure. 2 - The use of tocotech technique in the production of genetically similar strains resistant to blight, aimed at increasing the resistance of rice varieties. Ten varieties of rice (oryza sativa) were used in this study, eight of them were imported varieties or strains that were used as data for resistance genes for blight disease. The receptor genotypes were modern rice varieties reiho, giza 159. The results obtained through four main studies were represented in: 1 - Electing the best environment to encourage the kidneys: The average number was

The days needed to form lime for a parent using two pets to encourage lime are 42.39 days. As the results proved that the environment gave the lowest average number of days required to form ACCLES at the level of all parents (43.39 days). The highest mean obtained from the encouragement environment (45.36 days). Therefore, an environment was chosen to encourage the formation of lime to produce similar strains that are genetically similar and resistant to blight, using the technology of topping, according to the results obtained from the study conducted on parents using an environmental. As a result of the characteristics of lime, it was found that an environment had a high impact on all genotypes compared to an environment. While there were no noticeable differences in the weight and lime attributes of both pentene. The results also showed that the limestone produced from an environment gave a higher detection rate when transported to the ms environment

Thus, the percentage of green plant production is higher for most genotypes compared to the resulting lime on the n6 environment. 2 - Production of genetically similar strains through tocot cultivation: Therefore, in the 1998 season, the technique of transcendent cultivation of tocuts was used by parents. The results showed that each hybrid giza 159 O k3, giza 159 O bl, gave a value (30 days) for the number of days to form lime, while the hybrid gave reiho × fukuhikari a high undesirable value for the same trait (67.67 days). As for the characteristic of encouraging the formation of limestone, each of the two hybrids (zenith x reiho) and (K3 × Giza 150) showed a high response to encourage the formation of callus (5.72 - 5.16, respectively). On the other hand, hybrid giza gave 159 x zenith the highest values ​​of hybrids reiho x dular, giza
159 x k99 Total response to encourage lime formation. As for the characteristics of plant formation, the hybrid gave giza 159 x bl1 and giza 159 x pi4 on estimates of the total number of plants formed (8.02 and 8.55%, respectively), as well as the composition of green plants (6.82 and 7.62%, respectively).



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